Assistant Professor of French
University of California, Berkeley
The Values of French Language and Literature in the European Middle Ages
TVOF was an ERC-funded project (grant agreement no. 670726; PI Simon Gaunt) that ran from 2015 to 2020 at King's College London, for which I was the project PhD student (2017–20) and a postdoctoral research associate (2020)
The Values of French has produced two complete digital editions of the first and second redactions of the Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César, a universal history in French prose composed in the 1210s or 1220s. In addition to the digital editions, TVOF developed digital tools to “align” the Histoire ancienne (compare manuscripts at the paragraph level) and ‘search’ the text by form (word as it appears in the manuscript) or lemma (in the dictionary).
I was responsible for editing two parts of the text in Paris, BnF, fr. 20125, the so-called Alexander and Orient 2 sections. Using a TEI-XML markup language, I converted the semi-diplomatic transcription into an interpretive text with historical source information, textual corrections, and editorial notes (in French).
I am very interested in digital approaches to studies of medieval texts and manuscripts, as well as in issues relating to digital sustainability.
A volume (co-edited with Hannah Morcocs, Maria Teresa Rachetta, Natasha Romanova, and Simone Ventura) in Simon Gaunt's memory is forthcoming with Viella, with contributions from many members of the TVOF seminar.
Paris, BnF, fr. 20125, 232r
Alexander kneels before the word of God.